Title: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: ICON on July 21, 2008, 02:09:23 PM Not sure if you guys already seen this, but here you go. I'll try to be there Sunday.
http://www.ducati.com/od/ducatinorthamerica/events/detail.jhtml?eventId=22561 "Newcomb's Ranch Restaurant & Bar, the only restaurant on the legendary Angeles Crest Highway and a gateway to some of the best motorcycling roads in the world, welcomes the Ducati North America Hypermotard Demo Truck on July 26-27. From 9am-5pm each day, Ducati will transform the heart of Angeles National Forest into a Ducati haven offering you the chance to get in the saddle of the Ducati Hypermotard. 15 Hypermotards in all styles of dress from the standard to the S loaded with Ducati Performance parts and accessories will be available to demo on a first come, first served basis. Get there early as rides fill up quickly." Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: erkishhorde on July 21, 2008, 05:38:30 PM Hmmm... I've never hit the crest before. I think it's time for me to give it a shot. ;D
Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: aprilmaybe on July 26, 2008, 07:06:00 PM I went up today and it was fun!
I got there just before 9 and made it into the first session which went out at 10:30. The route goes from Nukes up about 13 miles to where the road is closed and then back down. I'm a shorty with about a 30inch inseam so the bike is way taller than I really want to deal with on the streets but this is a simple route. You only have to touch the ground at the beginning, middle and end. They did say that a few had gel seats which are a little lower but mine didn't. For a demo ride, the pace was awesome, they went faster than I expected. The bike was a ton of fun but in the end I'd either want a Monster or a real motard. The hyper is too heavy and big to be a motard. I want one that I can screw around and be crazy on, get pissed and kick it over and then pick it up and ride away. :P Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: MetalDuc on July 27, 2008, 06:04:55 AM The bike was a ton of fun but in the end I'd either want a Monster or a real motard. The hyper is too heavy and big to be a motard. I want one that I can screw around and be crazy on, get pissed and kick it over and then pick it up and ride away. :P You say that until you ride a real motard and vibrate ever filling out of your teeth an thought out of your head and your ass goes numb after 20 miles from the ultra hard ultra narrow seat. But other than that you are right on. Sooo much fun [thumbsup] [laugh] [moto] Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: Smokescreen on July 27, 2008, 01:23:10 PM Julia (MonsterGrrl) and I made it to this today. we were there yesterday, but in a truck supplying up. today we actually geared up to ride down to Nuke's, not something I'm prone to doing on the weekends. There was a bit of squidlyness going on up there.
The demo was AWESOME!! Julia and I got the two S's with full systems and they were wicked fun. The couple running the truck were awesome, and PI was giving out gift cards as people were getting off the bikes! Bummed not to see more of you up there. April, was nice to see you and yours though! W Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: aprilmaybe on July 29, 2008, 08:24:31 AM Hey!
It was good to see you guys. I'm shocked more people didn't go, Its an amazing opportunity to ride these bikes in the canyons. Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: erkishhorde on July 29, 2008, 09:04:38 AM Decided to spend time with my girl instead. [roll] Although.... Now that I think about it... The extra weight of a passenger might have lowered the bike enough for me to touch the ground. :D
Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: arai_speed on July 29, 2008, 08:35:41 PM No pics? It would have been nice to go but I had plans w/the family already.
Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: ICON on August 01, 2008, 08:43:06 AM No pics? It would have been nice to go but I had plans w/the family already. Sorry to hear about your foot chief. Hope to ride with you soon. [moto] Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: arai_speed on August 01, 2008, 09:39:01 AM Sorry to hear about your foot chief. Hope to ride with you soon. [moto] Thanks Icon! As soon as I can get shifting mobility back I should be able to ride [moto] Title: Re: Ducati's Hypermotard Demo Truck - Newcomb's Ranch - July 26th and 27th Post by: 55Spy on August 01, 2008, 08:15:45 PM AAARGH
I miss it by a week. I'm gonna be in SoCal from teh 3rd of Aug until the 9th before deploying bck out to the desert!!! Oh well at least the Monster is stored in Socal so I can put some miles on it that week. |