Title: Hello From NYC! Post by: 797king on June 17, 2017, 12:14:44 PM Hey everyone! I'm Sam Adams [drink]
I just bought my first bike a little over a month ago and it is a 2017 Monster 797. I am in the NJ and NYC area and just love riding on weekends or nice weekdays, when I'm off of work, just to cruise and get lost. I am one of the crazy ones who bought the motorcycle while in the process of learning how to ride. I have put about 250 miles on it so far and always look forward to using any excuse to go for a ride. Attending a MSF course next weekend for anyone concerned :) I have much to learn and I am excited to be a part of this community. Title: Re: Hello From NYC! Post by: koko64 on June 23, 2017, 03:36:12 AM Welcome [beer]