Title: Hello from Austin, Texas! Post by: 750MonsterD@rk33 on July 07, 2017, 10:10:21 AM My name is Jesse and I bought a 2000 Ducati Monster 750 Dark City about a year ago from a friend. I joined to see where others are buying mods for their bikes, because I have some ideas of how I want to make my motorcycle "mine" / personalized... but not sure where to find the things I want.
Just this week I chopped the tail off using the Gen. 1 Tail Chop Kit from www.ducatimonstertailchop.com . It came with everything I needed, and was a super easy install. You can check out my before and after pics @jgambino on Instagram. Next, I'm looking for a more unique option for my headlight. In the later future, I would like to modernize my speedometer etc display. ;D |