Title: Is it possible to find the VIN from an engine number? Post by: MonsterMadMarty on July 16, 2017, 01:24:56 PM Hi all,
I have someone trying to sell me 600 Monster. I never go to look at bikes without first doing a title check, here in Australia all you need is either the license plate or VIN, neither of which this guy can supply. He claims to have lost the compliance plate when he repainted the frame! He also claims to have lost the keys! Sounds dodgy but he has sent me a photo of the engine number so hoping someone here knows how to find the VIN from that so I can run the required checks ;) Engine number is: ZDM600A2C*036420* Cheers in advance for any help [thumbsup] Title: Re: Is it possible to find the VIN from an engine number? Post by: DarkMonster620 on July 16, 2017, 03:18:41 PM you can ask the dealer to do a engine number check and that should throw the VIN
Title: Re: Is it possible to find the VIN from an engine number? Post by: NAKID on July 17, 2017, 12:08:18 PM That's not the engine number. Ducati VINs start with ZDM...
Title: Re: Is it possible to find the VIN from an engine number? Post by: Nibor on July 18, 2017, 05:03:27 AM That's not the engine number. Ducati VINs start with ZDM... So does the engine number... or at least mine does too. Mine matches the format Marty gives. Title: Re: Is it possible to find the VIN from an engine number? Post by: NAKID on July 18, 2017, 03:56:11 PM So does the engine number... or at least mine does too. Mine matches the format Marty gives. Weird. Mine did not. Either way, isn't the VIN also stamped into the headtube? Title: Re: Is it possible to find the VIN from an engine number? Post by: DarkMonster620 on July 18, 2017, 04:02:09 PM Weird. Mine did not. yes . .. I forgot . . Either way, isn't the VIN also stamped into the headtube? But he wants matching parts Title: Re: Is it possible to find the VIN from an engine number? Post by: Speeddog on July 18, 2017, 07:04:14 PM Weird. Mine did not. Either way, isn't the VIN also stamped into the headtube? USA bikes get different style engine numbers than the rest of the world: (http://www.ducati.ms/forums/attachments/superbikes/113247d1341065840-engine-numbers-screen-shot-2012-06-30-7.16.57-am.png) Title: Re: Is it possible to find the VIN from an engine number? Post by: Nibor on July 20, 2017, 05:00:08 AM First the imperial system, now their own VIN numbers? 😂😝😝
Title: Re: Is it possible to find the VIN from an engine number? Post by: Duck-Stew on July 20, 2017, 05:41:32 AM First the imperial system, now their own VIN numbers? 😂😝😝 Apparently, it's our thing. We're going to do what we want to do. [laugh] |