Title: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: 673monster on July 21, 2017, 08:13:33 PM I'm having some issues getting the turn signals to function...having the same problem with the old bulbs as well as with led's.
When turn signal is used the bulb will light once and then go out...can hear a click sometimes but both directions do this. Stock bulbs, led bulbs, resistors installed, led relay installed, small turn indicator bulb removed.....all the same problem. Disassembled and cleaned the switch..no shorts there. Any ideas? What am I missing?...besides peeling back all the wire looms and looking for a short... Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: Speeddog on July 21, 2017, 09:17:52 PM Which model and year of Ducati?
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: 673monster on July 21, 2017, 09:47:38 PM Apologies. ..2000. Monster 900ie.
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: Howie on July 22, 2017, 05:04:05 AM A lot going on here. First thing I would do is put back the original flasher and eliminate the resistors. The LEDs should blink, just at a very rate. Then, to correct the rate, add either the flasher or the resistors. Try the flasher first, if no good, put the original flasher and plug in the resistors.
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: 673monster on July 22, 2017, 12:12:22 PM Sorry, should have clarified...I've tried every configuration from just stock blinkers to led with relay and resistors. ..no configuration works
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: Howie on July 22, 2017, 07:52:12 PM OK, oh, no need to be sorry. I should have said did you. Two or three prong flasher? I'm thinking bad ground or voltage drop to the flasher.
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: 673monster on July 22, 2017, 08:22:01 PM Thanks, 3 prong flasher relay...I'll check the ground...what would cause a voltage drop to the relay?
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: 673monster on July 25, 2017, 08:12:17 AM Grounds appear to be OK.
Voltage to the relay fluctuates between 13.5v and 11.8v when turn switch is used....is that standard? Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: Howie on July 25, 2017, 08:25:54 PM I can't positively answer your voltage question, but it does not seem correct to me. No way for me to check on my bike since mine has the flasher built into the gauge cluster. Maybe another member could check on their bike? Anyway, the easiest way to rule out a bad flasher is to replace it, a method I am not normally fond of, but mechanical flashers are cheap. Do this with the standard bulbs and no resistors. To go further you probably want a wiring diagram. Our Flounder ducpainter may be able to help you with that. If your signals themselves are aftermarket make sure they are properly grounded. All I can think of for now.
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: ducpainter on July 26, 2017, 03:17:06 AM I have a diagram for a 96 Monster. Not sure how similar they are seeing as one is injected and one is carby.
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: Howie on July 26, 2017, 04:11:24 AM Oops, not close enough.
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: ducpainter on July 26, 2017, 04:18:05 AM Oops, not close enough. It's in the owners manual available free online... http://www.ducati.com/services/maintenance/index.do 2001 is the earliest.You have to look at the legend in your language, then scroll to the end for the diagram. Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: Howie on July 26, 2017, 04:53:03 AM The diagram on line has a 2 prong flasher.
https://haynes.com/en-us/motorcycle-manuals/ducati is a good investment. Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: ducpainter on July 26, 2017, 04:59:31 AM My 96 diagram shows a 3 prong. :P
(https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8379/8589606590_6426743903_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/e62YMm)Monster wiring key (https://flic.kr/p/e62YMm) by nh_painter (https://www.flickr.com/photos/26408631@N02/), on Flickr (https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8097/8588506343_752a27f812_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/e5WkHz)Monster wiring (https://flic.kr/p/e5WkHz) by nh_painter (https://www.flickr.com/photos/26408631@N02/), on Flickr Just in case it's useful... Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: 673monster on July 26, 2017, 08:33:34 AM Wow, ok...thanks for the diagram! I'm thinking there must be an issue with the handlebar switch? Flasher relay is brand new and the problem exists with the old relay too.
It's weird...I got a few blinks out of the left side last night but the right refuses...maybe a short in 5he wires coming from the switch on the bars? Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: 673monster on August 18, 2017, 11:51:46 AM Just adding that this got solved : took apart the switch and cleaned it (was all greasy) and now everything works!
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: koko64 on August 18, 2017, 02:38:04 PM [thumbsup]
Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: PaydayGabe on July 27, 2019, 10:02:04 AM Hey there folks, ,
Gonna jump on this 2yr dead thread. Pretty much the exact same scenario as the Author experienced. I've replaced all the turn signal components w/LED lamps and flasher(EP-35 Napa). No in-line resistors. Cleaned the left side switch and lubricated it with graphite spray. A faint light at the lamps. No flashing. The other components off the switch work fine( hi/low beam; horn; flash to pass). My next plan is to look for voltage to the lamps and the flasher. Other than replacing the flasher again, , I'm scratching my head! Help me please. G. Title: Re: turn signal issues...not necessarily led related Post by: PaydayGabe on August 02, 2019, 10:37:41 AM Update::
Did another system check, , Wiring; connections; continuity; ground; etc. All good and proper. Installed another flasher/relay (Novita EP-35) $12.99 from O'Reilly's auto parts. Now I have functional signals L/R,, until. I connect the instrument panel. When I activate the switch, I have a 4 way flasher. All the wiring inside the switch and instrument cluster is in excellent condition, replaced the cluster bulbs. All tested good. [bang]I'm pretty much stumped. Any thoughts, ideas and suggestions are welcome. Please. Thanks,, G. |