Title: Target Fixation (watch the onboard video of FZ-10 flying off the cliff) Post by: S21FOLGORE on August 22, 2017, 08:06:41 PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WamBr5Ahy4
Noob going too fast (for the situation / for his skill) Get panicked and tense up, freezing up Looking at outside of the turn Flying off the cliff "the steering locked up" ? As if ... Title: Re: Target Fixation (watch the onboard video of FZ-10 flying off the cliff) Post by: GreasySnipe on September 12, 2017, 05:03:27 AM Very interesting thing, Just out of curiosity I am wondering if this is similar to what I observe at a 4 way stop(signs not lights) that I go through every day where I work at. I noticed too many incidences where I arrived at the stop at the same time as the other vehicle in the intersecting lane. I conducted an experiment and varied my speed either faster or slower intentionally as well as not looking over until I had just arrived at the stop. I noticed the vehicle in the intersecting lanes always "synchronized" themselves with me even though I had intentionally tried to differ my approach with them. I am wondering if I could consider this as a type of fixation as well (as well as "tailgating"). Anyhow, I am wondering if it could indeed be considered a form of fixation and if we do this more than we realize even without being in a panicked moment which leads up to the panicked moment and fixation that causes what happened in the video?
Title: Re: Target Fixation (watch the onboard video of FZ-10 flying off the cliff) Post by: krolik on September 13, 2017, 06:46:24 PM You can see him straighten out as he approaches the edge. :o
Title: Re: Target Fixation (watch the onboard video of FZ-10 flying off the cliff) Post by: Charlie98 on September 13, 2017, 08:35:52 PM Very interesting thing, Just out of curiosity I am wondering if this is similar to what I observe at a 4 way stop(signs not lights) that I go through every day where I work at. I do the same thing... I just slow down slower... and lengthen my stop until after they have stopped. Around here, everyone is in a hurry and they will see me still creeping up to the stop line as an opportunity to GO. YMMV. Dunno, it just looks to me like he just lost his nerve in the corner, or just pulled his gaze off the road to something else. He certainly was not looking through the corner. If he quits riding, well, good riddance. Title: Re: Target Fixation (watch the onboard video of FZ-10 flying off the cliff) Post by: OT on February 13, 2018, 08:20:43 AM Luckily he missed that utiity pole before he flew off the edge...and what's with the headboard on that bed? ;D