Title: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: warhummer on July 21, 2008, 08:57:30 PM Just did a Camarillo-Ojai-Santa Maria-Camarillo trip via RTE 33/166/154 and my throttle hand is killing me. Watch out for the 20+ minute construction delays on 166 past Cuyama. The road looks (and feels) like the surface of the moon. I also forgot to get gas in Ojai and had to put some 87 from the only pump around for 50 miles. Other than that, I think my S2R is about ready for its 7500 mile service!
Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Speeddog on July 21, 2008, 10:14:16 PM That's a cool loop, sorry to hear there's construction.
How did your bike run on the 87? Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: warhummer on July 22, 2008, 08:36:20 PM I didn't feel anything too out of the norm. I think I had about a liter or so of 91 left in the tank (I had 105 miles on the trip meter and I usually can go 130+ miles per tank) and only took on about a gallon...just enough to make it to Santa Maria. I then maxed it out on 91 again once I got there. I think the fact that I wasn't going balls-out or slugging through major hills helped the engine "accept" the 87. Either way it was better than getting stuck in the middle of Las Padres national forest. Actually that would have been better than calling my wife to bring me gas...and then mentioning it would be a two hour drive to come get me. ;D
Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Bad Dog on July 22, 2008, 09:34:10 PM Your bike (what ever it is) doesn't really need to burn 91 octane....BTW. You're just blowin' extra money out the pipe. [coffee] Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: warhummer on July 23, 2008, 05:34:54 AM Not getting into a octane debate here. I'm telling you as an engineer, you can get by on 87, situation dependent. Run that stuff under race track condtions for extended periods of time at WOT, and you're asking for trouble in a high compression ratio engine. Ask me how I know. Engines designed for 95 RON (91 AKI) require it for a reason.
But in this case, it was (and will be) fine. Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: warhummer on July 23, 2008, 04:20:49 PM I forgot to add, "How about a nice cup of shut the f**k up!"
[coffee] Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Speeddog on July 23, 2008, 05:31:43 PM I forgot to add, "How about a nice cup of shut the f**k up!" [coffee] Easy there cowboy, it's not that important. ;) Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: warhummer on July 23, 2008, 08:17:01 PM Sorry, just have a short fuse with so-called know-it-all's who feel the need to tell everyone how it is.
Then again this is an internet forum and I broke my rule of getting fired up over internet posts. Arguing on the internet is like: [bang] Maybe it's the fact that every post he has is like this And the stupid coffee emoticon. Crap, I need a beer... Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Gus Duc on July 23, 2008, 11:32:16 PM I alternate between 87 & 89.... no issues...... many so called "Guru's" say we actually lose power on our monster's by running 91...... I've never noticed a difference regardless of brand or octane....
I think you need a beer & hummer... not the war kind.... that'll keep you from gettin' all worked up over a post when in reality Bad Dog was telling you don't sweat it, the 87 didn't hurt anything. I'm on an S2r1K btw & I ride it like I stole it ;D Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Grampa on July 24, 2008, 07:11:29 AM I'm on an S2r1K btw & I ride it like I stole it ;D I rode it that way too [evil] [laugh] Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: darylbowden on July 24, 2008, 07:53:23 AM Not getting into a octane debate here. I'm telling you as an engineer, you can get by on 87, situation dependent. Run that stuff under race track condtions for extended periods of time at WOT, and you're asking for trouble in a high compression ratio engine. Ask me how I know. Engines designed for 95 RON (91 AKI) require it for a reason. But in this case, it was (and will be) fine. Do you have a high compression engine? Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Gus Duc on July 24, 2008, 02:41:45 PM I rode it that way too [evil] [laugh] Yes you did..... how did you like that rear brake ??? [evil] In regards to octane....... I'm no engineer but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Expres once [laugh] Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Ciao Fun on July 24, 2008, 05:30:44 PM Isn't that professional treason? :)
I'm no engineer but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Expres once [laugh] Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Gus Duc on July 24, 2008, 07:18:30 PM Isn't that professional treason? :) Nope...... I wore a diguise ;) Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: derby on July 24, 2008, 08:08:46 PM Nope...... I wore a diguise ;) (http://blogs.usatoday.com/hotelhotsheet/images/hotsheetboratla.jpg) Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Ciao Fun on July 24, 2008, 08:16:06 PM So Gus was disguised as Luca?
(http://blogs.usatoday.com/hotelhotsheet/images/hotsheetboratla.jpg) Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: Gus Duc on July 24, 2008, 08:19:49 PM (http://blogs.usatoday.com/hotelhotsheet/images/hotsheetboratla.jpg) Nope...... that was Luca here @ the Hilton..... the scene they shot here still makes me sick to my stomach [laugh] Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: sbrguy on July 27, 2008, 05:41:53 PM i have to do that ride heard good things about it and i'm near the area so no excuse for me, heard 33 is a great road.
i have run 91-87 in my bike the 620, what i noticed is that with 91 the engine sounds and feels "slightly" smoother below 4000 rpm than when i run 87. when i run 87 which is about 99% of the time its fine for commuting and such, not racing or too agressive riding by any means and for me it works fine and when i had it in for a service everything is fine. but when i do a tank of 91 it does "seem" to be a little smoother when i'm at lower rpm at parking lot speeds, notice no difference cruising at 6000rpm and 70mph or so. Title: Re: Ouch...265 miles on my Monster in 5 hours. Post by: hydra on July 28, 2008, 10:27:58 AM that's a great run. i do it all the time but i take the 166 going east where there's no construction.
i take 126 west (from the 5), cut up 150N for a bit to Ojai. then connect to the 33 north. once it get to 166 i hang a right which is heading east and in about 2 or 3 miles i hang a right onto "Cerro Noroeste Rd" which is an amazing desolate twisty road. stay on that road and it eventually becomes into "Mt Portrero Hwy"/ "Cuddy Valley Rd". when you get to the end, make a slight left onto "Frazier mountain pk rd". that will take you bak to the 5 near Gorman and there will be gas as well. make sure to fill up in Ojai before you hit the 33 because there will not be any gas for about 107 mi. this loop is about 210 mi. the middle section from 150/33/cerro/cuddy is about 100 mi of twisties and canyons and desert [moto] here's the map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=9716075878729859454,34.440940,-118.609410%3B16485308901548698118,34.960794,-119.447702%3B15962985080225298056,34.446910,-118.611370&saddr=34.44284,-118.605609&daddr=ojai,+ca+to:CA-166%2FCA-33+%4034.960794,+-119.447702+to:I-5+S+%4034.446910,+-118.611370&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=15&doflg=ptm&sll=34.442805,-118.595567&sspn=0.021058,0.035877&ie=UTF8&ll=34.443867,-118.605781&spn=0.021058,0.035877&z=15 |