Title: Triumph rider here! Post by: eviltwin on May 07, 2008, 12:28:04 PM I'm Dave, and before you give me shite, I've owned 4 Ducs, the most recent of which I sold a few months back. It was a red '04 749S mono and prior to that I had a '01 944SSie and two monsters (ex's bikes). My current (and new) bike is a '08 Triumph Street 675, and so far I'm having a blast with it. I was getting too old for clipons and have always loved triumphs so I changed up a little. I've been riding since 2002 and am mostly a weekend warrior but I am looking forward to getting back out on the track this summer.
I am dub on DML although I didn't post much. I hailed from CO till last fall and was partly responsible for the original Ducati in the Rockies event. Now I live in the SF bay area and work a travel alot for work so I haven't gotten to meet many of the locals yet or join in on any rides. That is if I'm welcome ??? I still wear the mark of the beast though, just in case you doubt my loyalty :e:v (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v384/vwbliss/tattoos/desmoink.jpg) Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: DY on May 07, 2008, 12:53:36 PM please dont tell me thats a butt crack in the bottom left center of the pic.
i'm kidding. I'd say thats an original tat! Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: eviltwin on May 07, 2008, 01:42:17 PM Yep, it's my tramp stamp :P
Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: T-byrd on May 07, 2008, 03:39:12 PM Hey buddy! You found the place! wt:
Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: legrena on May 09, 2008, 07:03:20 AM Welcome from another Triumph rider that also now rides a Ducati!!!
Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: c_rex on May 09, 2008, 08:25:15 AM As long as you don't start picking fights and playing the troll under the bridge at every opportunity about how the new Speed Triple is the best thing since sliced bread I'm sure we'll all get along swimingly. and just make sure the stamp is clean should we need another look at it. wt:
I have a Triumph too but it's a '65 T120R. No tramp stamp though. Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: eviltwin on May 09, 2008, 11:55:40 PM As long as you don't start picking fights and playing the troll under the bridge at every opportunity about how the new Speed Triple is the best thing since sliced bread I'm sure we'll all get along swimingly. and just make sure the stamp is clean should we need another look at it. wt: Don't know about the Speed Triple, but the Street Triple (675cc, 365lbs) is about the next best thing since sliced bread, well except for the sub-par suspenders that is. That can always be fixed though. The engine is definitley the center piece and is very torquey and has more than enought hp in the upper rpms. I've honestly never riden anything like this bike and it makes me smile every time I twist it or transition it from side to side. I'm always happy to trade bikes and you can see for yourself. Proof is in the pudding as they say. wt:I have a Triumph too but it's a '65 T120R. No tramp stamp though. Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: Randimus Maximus on May 18, 2008, 01:33:17 PM Hey man!
How've ya been? Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: somegirl on May 18, 2008, 06:21:02 PM Hi Dave, hope we get to meet you at a MOB event soon. :)
Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: Got Duc on May 19, 2008, 02:07:08 AM Welcome to the board.
Nice tat Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: lazarus7 on May 19, 2008, 11:11:38 AM no, the speed triple is BETTER than sliced bread..... :P
i should know, ive got a black '06 all tricked out (arrows, crgs, ABMs, etc) AND ive got a '69 t120r and a '71 TR6C flattracker.... BUT id lusted for the monster since 94, its just that the triple kinda fell in my lap... oh well im making up for it now, taking delivery of my s4rs hopefully tomorrow and the 696 within the next couple weeks... guess bird of a feather huh......???? how many others here have a triumph or two i wonder..... Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: eviltwin on May 19, 2008, 08:29:06 PM Thanks all! It's good to know I can be accepted around these parts. :D I was going to keep my 749S and use it primarily for the track, but starting a new job out here and financial responsibilties won out in the end. I do miss it dearly and it really was one of the sweetest bikes I've ever ridden. :-\
I do miss having a duc in the garage and have been keeping my eye out for one of these. (http://www.mikiel.net/Ducati/Images/Buttercup4.jpg) Title: Re: Triumph rider here! Post by: spinned on May 19, 2008, 08:46:26 PM I like Triumphs too