Title: Noriyoshi exhaust Post by: agdonofrio on October 06, 2017, 11:29:03 AM Anyone here have one of these? I searched and couldn't find anything. They are made in Brazil and sound awesome (only found one video online) and they are really inexpensive. Looking for any info anyone has. Thanks!
P.s. It's for a 2012 monster 796 abs Title: Re: Noriyoshi exhaust Post by: Dirty Duc on October 06, 2017, 11:50:10 AM It looks like a relatively new company. For the price on their website, it looks like a fairly inexpensive way to make some noise.
Title: Re: Noriyoshi exhaust Post by: agdonofrio on May 14, 2018, 05:31:29 PM For anyone that searches, I ended up buying the noriyoshi. Looks and sounds great. It’s super loud but sounds so good. I have pictures and a video but can’t figure out how to post them.
Title: Re: Noriyoshi exhaust Post by: DarkMonster620 on May 15, 2018, 02:43:03 AM For anyone that searches, I ended up buying the noriyoshi. Looks and sounds great. It’s super loud but sounds so good. I have pictures and a video but can’t figure out how to post them. go to FAQS . . . |