Title: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: koko64 on October 07, 2017, 11:11:43 PM Need a new regulator for the old girl ('94 M900). I have found a 3 phase reg with sponsor Motowheels, but it has a different mounting hole gap, the third wire needs to be removed and needs different connectors. I like the old connectors compared to the new style and plug n play. Electrosport has an old style reg. What do you reckon?
Title: Re: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: ducpainter on October 08, 2017, 03:23:24 AM Ricks...
Title: Re: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: koko64 on October 08, 2017, 03:34:24 AM Cool. [thumbsup] I'll check it out.
Title: Re: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: greenmonster on October 08, 2017, 03:35:14 AM I`d do the Shindengen conversion:
http://www.ducati.ms/forums/80-hall-wisdom/94947-upgrade-fix-no-more-charging-regulator-rectifier-problems.html For reliability, although obviously not plug-and-paly w OEM connectors. ;) Title: Re: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: silas on October 10, 2017, 07:40:45 AM Tony- my '98 M900 experiences:
My initial R/R failed at about 25k. The used Replacement from a Grand Canyon failed about 29k miles. The $150 Ricks failed at about 33k (I don't believe it was a Mosfet yet, they may be now from Ricks). I now have a Shindingen Mosfet one and replaced the stator to R/R connector wires. No issues at 40k now. I got the Super Mosfet kit from roadstercycle.com I recommend going Shindengen/ Mosfet....Great kit, they run much cooler, no more melted R/R to Stator connectors but it required some soddering and a new bracket to mount under front of frame. Should work fine on the single phase bikes as well. http://www.roadstercycle.com/ Title: Re: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: ducpainter on October 10, 2017, 08:05:09 AM Interesting...
I've had a Rick's on mine for 15 years. :-\ Title: Re: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: Howie on October 10, 2017, 08:19:03 AM Rick's for Ducati is a mosfet, and they do have a good reputation.
Title: Re: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: silas on October 10, 2017, 01:44:57 PM Using ECS Tuning's online R/R Testing method, 2 of its 4 diodes went bad. (Rick's)
Interesting... I've had a Rick's on mine for 15 years. :-\ Title: Re: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: ducpainter on October 10, 2017, 02:00:15 PM Using ECS Tuning's online R/R Testing method, 2 of its 4 diodes went bad. (Rick's) I don't doubt you. I've had a completely different experience with mine is all.Title: Re: Single Phase Regulator for M900 Post by: koko64 on October 11, 2017, 03:01:22 AM I got one off the dealer but I have to change the wiring and make a custom plate to retrofit it so I'm sending it back. Rick's website keeps freezing on me so instead I was able to get a complete plug n play single phase unit from Electrosport. The Electrosport unit has better components than OEM, but is otherwise a replica of the early Ducati Energia single phase unit. I prefer the early wiring bullet connector set up over the spade connectors and my wiring has already been refurbished and in excellent shape. Iirc, CCW used to sell Electrosport Regs so I'm happy with that.