Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NorthWest => Topic started by: SaltLick on July 22, 2008, 04:34:34 AM

Title: Truck stopped in the middle of a blind turn on skyline
Post by: SaltLick on July 22, 2008, 04:34:34 AM
im about done riding skyline. On sunday i took a ride on skyline and was rounding one of them blind turns at a pretty good clip. It was one of those turns that doesnt seem to end so you just keep your head cocked trying to see as much through it as you can while you lean. Some dumb make the beast with two backser had his truck completely stopped in the road in my lane right about the apex of the turn. I put on my brakes not knowing what else to do, kind of a knee jerk reaction nothing like the feeling of putting on both brakes hard in a turn. I knew i wasnt going to make it so i let up on the brakes so and went around the car at the last second thus putting me straight into on coming traffic around a blind turn. Good thing no one was coming. That asshole had stopped there so he could talk to a friend that was walking along the other side of the road. After i passed that mess i pulled over my limbs shaking, took my helmet off and yelled "what the make the beast with two backs?" at him.  He shrugged his shoulders and said sorry at least, then moved on. Why the hell would someone completely stop in the lane right in the middle of a blind turn like that?

Title: Re: Truck stopped in the middle of a blind turn on skyline
Post by: Mother on July 22, 2008, 06:23:12 AM
im about done riding skyline. On sunday i took a ride on skyline and was rounding one of them blind turns at a pretty good clip. It was one of those turns that doesnt seem to end so you just keep your head cocked trying to see as much through it as you can while you lean. Some dumb make the beast with two backser had his truck completely stopped in the road in my lane right about the apex of the turn. I put on my brakes not knowing what else to do, kind of a knee jerk reaction nothing like the feeling of putting on both brakes hard in a turn. I knew i wasnt going to make it so i let up on the brakes so and went around the car at the last second thus putting me straight into on coming traffic around a blind turn. Good thing no one was coming. That asshole had stopped there so he could talk to a friend that was walking along the other side of the road. After i passed that mess i pulled over my limbs shaking, took my helmet off and yelled "what the make the beast with two backs?" at him.  He shrugged his shoulders and said sorry at least, then moved on. Why the hell would someone completely stop in the lane right in the middle of a blind turn like that?

First, glad you are alive, ass-ending a stopped vehicle has been historically bad for motorcycles

<sorry, asshole response>

cuz skyline is a residential zone and not a race track

</ end asshole response>

it is just another example of folks in cages not having situational awarness due to them being surrounded with several tons of metal


an example of standard human selfishness


Humans are just make the beast with two backsing stupid assholes (I like this one best)

Title: Re: Truck stopped in the middle of a blind turn on skyline
Post by: NEIKOS on July 22, 2008, 07:28:24 AM
folks inot having situational awarness - Doesn't matter if they're on the sidewalk either.
an example of standard human selfishness - Well Duh!
Humans are just make the beast with two backsing stupid assholes (I like this one best) - Duh squared

People as a whole are a bunch of feckless, self absorbed, shit for brains.

I hate people.

Title: Re: Truck stopped in the middle of a blind turn on skyline
Post by: krolik on July 22, 2008, 09:07:11 AM
Now you know why I don't ride Skyline.  Too much trafic and people in the area. :'(

Title: Re: Truck stopped in the middle of a blind turn on skyline
Post by: Tailgunner on July 22, 2008, 09:55:51 AM
Glad you made it thru that nuts Slatlick. Nothing like brakes in the apex to stand you right up! You're so lucky there was not any oncoming, you'd have been in their back seat mang!

Skyline is not a place to speed along at any clip. It's a gravel covered scenic stoll were you can wave to the folks as you meander along  [moto] . A friend of mine broke his collar bone and thrashed his Dayna Wide Glide up there.
Screw that nuts! Makeout with the beast with two backsers  :)

Title: Re: Truck stopped in the middle of a blind turn on skyline
Post by: bnbmike on July 22, 2008, 11:23:29 AM
I don't ride on any road that has 7-11 style (convex) mirrors at the end of driveways.  Sure sign of low visibility.

I'm glad you made it without crashing.

As rally drivers do, and me too.  I pre-drive my favorite routes before the season to see what has changed.

I don't like to get into situations I know I can prevent or at least know the risk.  No one could have expected a parked car on a road, but on a road with driveways and mailboxes . . .

Title: Re: Truck stopped in the middle of a blind turn on skyline
Post by: oregunduc on July 22, 2008, 12:00:36 PM
Don't go running through blind corners at breakneck speeds in a residential area and you don't have these problems.

On the bright side you didn't pile into the back of the truck

Title: Re: Truck stopped in the middle of a blind turn on skyline
Post by: NEIKOS on July 22, 2008, 01:05:38 PM
Don't go running through blind corners at breakneck speeds in a residential area and you don't have these problems.

On the bright side you didn't pile into the back of the truck

Hey guys . . . fresh meat!  [evil]

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