Title: Intro from Pennsylvania Post by: techd on November 16, 2017, 01:44:54 PM Hello everyone, from now cold Pennsylvania. Joined the forums as I'm working on a Moster in my very near future. :)
Name - Darren Location - Pennsburg, PA Bike(s) (if any) - none currently working on either a 04' Monster S2R or 14' 796 (both prices are really good) How long you've been riding - I have been riding for over 25 years, 5 of those were on the track with NESBA Anything else you'd like to share - For the Admins, hopefully just a hickup with the system, but the first e-mail I got from the forums informed me I registered and gave me my username and password I registered with. Being in the IT industry I cringed seeing that. :) Title: Re: Intro from Pennsylvania Post by: ducpainter on November 18, 2017, 07:32:10 AM Thanks for the input. That's a function of the SMF software. This version is no longer supported and I, as a semi luddite, would have no idea where to find the auto generated letter to modify the code.
We will, at some point, be upgrading to the latest version, but I don't know if that's changed. I understand where you're coming from, but we don't sell anything, collect any cc info, or anything like that. As long as you follow the golden rule of not using username/passwords on multiple sites there's really no issue. |