Title: Tomato Highway Post by: hankthe8th on May 07, 2008, 12:49:32 PM I've got a question for all of you central valley riders out there. I've just got my bike in December, so I have yet to experience the summertime rides on the glorious highway 99. But with all of those trucks carrying tomatoes, dumping water/tomato juice runoff everywhere, is it slippery or is it sticky when it dries? Sometimes you can see the coating of juice on 2 out of 3 lanes. So the question is: Slippery more than sticky? or Sticky more than slippery?
Keep it clean people. Title: Re: Tomato Highway Post by: CromoMann on May 08, 2008, 05:52:17 PM My guess is that it would be more slippery when wet and as it dried up a bit, it may become more tacky... however, this is just a theory and I've never tried to test it. I just try to avoid the Campbell's Convoys all together. Head to the hills instead and enjoy yourself.
-m Title: Re: Tomato Highway Post by: BoogieDuc on May 22, 2008, 03:16:59 PM No personal experence with tomato trucks other than seeing them on the road, but once when traveling home to Santa Cruz on G12 I was first on the scene of an overturned produce truck which was full of squash. :o Yup it was slippery