Title: SOCO DOGS Meet and Greet 15 April 2018 Post by: paso87 on April 10, 2018, 05:53:44 PM Calling all Ducati riders in the Colorado Springs area to have a Meet and Greet on 15 April. Time is 2:30 or 14:30 for the military trained. Location is Starbucks on the corner of Centennial and Garden of the Gods. Weather is supposed to be around 60 degrees. Ride you bike. This is not a formal club meeting. We just want to see where the interest is.
Title: Re: SOCO DOGS Meet and Greet 15 April 2018 Post by: mikethebike427 on April 11, 2018, 08:44:20 AM Ok MYTDUK I'm in....see you there. [Dolph]
Title: Re: SOCO DOGS Meet and Greet 15 April 2018 Post by: KRJ on April 15, 2018, 07:00:07 AM Can't make it Today, Too much going on. Will try next time, Have Fun. KRJ |