Title: The News Post by: Pakhan on May 07, 2008, 01:00:44 PM Glad the club house is here 8)
The Manitoba (Canada) Bar Association, which was hoping to file a brief in a controversial police investigation case in Winnipeg in March, announced it would have to forgo participation because it lacked sufficient funds to hire a lawyer. [Winnipeg Free Press, 3-7-08] Gene Morrill, 57, hoping for a shorter sentence after his conviction for soliciting sex from teenage boys over the Internet, told a court in Fredericksburg, Va., in March about his rough life as a child, beginning with the time he was sexually molested by Bigfoot. [Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star, 3-26-08] In March, Christopher Koch, 28, became the latest to wait outside a bank, building up his nerve to rob it, and then finally put on the ski mask and walk up to the front door (of the Citizens & Northern Bank, Liberty, Pa.), only to realize that it was by then 12:01 p.m., and the bank had closed at noon. (Employees got Koch's license plate number.) [Star-Gazette (Elmira, N.Y.), 3-13-08] A 20-year-old man shot himself in the groin when he stuffed a shotgun (that he had allegedly just stolen) inside his pants (Seattle, April). [Yakima Herald-Republic, 4-13-08] Title: Re: The News Post by: GLantern on May 07, 2008, 02:10:21 PM A 20-year-old man shot himself in the groin when he stuffed a shotgun (that he had allegedly just stolen) inside his pants (Seattle, April). [Yakima Herald-Republic, 4-13-08] ;:| |