Title: Introducing me. Im Alan. Im a bit fat. I have an S4 with bits missing. Post by: FatAlan on July 13, 2018, 11:31:52 AM Hi all.
I have recently purchased a 916 S4 with some of its key bits missing. Im sort of regretting it now but Im so far in I cant really bail. Im based in the UK on the east code where the fish live. Ive built bikes up from scratch before and thought this would be fun. I didn't research it properly first. It seems some of the S4 peculiarities (wheel in particular) are in demand and therefore not cheap. So, i'll be on here searching mostly as it seems there is a massive array of information available. At the moment I have been reading about wheel swaps but I might just look for ST4 wheels as anything else looks like a machining extravaganza - even going for 3 spokes looks like it needs work. So, theres me and thats what Im doing. On the plus side at least I can get things built how I want them and replace all bearings and consumables as I go. Thanks all! Alan Title: Re: Introducing me. Im Alan. Im a bit fat. I have an S4 with bits missing. Post by: DarkMonster620 on July 13, 2018, 11:57:34 AM Welcome Alan . .
We don't care if you are fat, slim or whatever . . . Beers are on you now Title: Re: Introducing me. Im Alan. Im a bit fat. I have an S4 with bits missing. Post by: GK on July 13, 2018, 01:56:05 PM Welcome Alan!
Title: Re: Introducing me. Im Alan. Im a bit fat. I have an S4 with bits missing. Post by: koko64 on July 14, 2018, 01:55:14 AM Welcome [beer]
Check out and post questions in the tech and modifications boards. Good luck. |