Title: New guy from Minnesota, USA Post by: MN1200S on August 03, 2018, 08:00:32 AM Hello everyone, I'm Dave and I own and ride motorcycles. . .
I'm in the Minneapolis area, Minnesota USA Current bikes, Yamaha FJR (setup for LD rides), Suzuki C109R (a big cruiser) I've been riding since 1982, first bike was an '82 Kawasaki 550 GPZ As my ID implies, I will be closing the deal on a Monster 1200S very soon, exactly which one of three remains to be seen, I'll post in the general forum a request for comments and experience. Other than much info gathering and research, I'm no Ducati expert. . . My interest in a Ducati falls into a few areas - (1) destiny has always been to have one ( or two or. . .), (2) have a quality, fun road machine, (3) expand my riding friends and associations. Title: Re: New guy from Minnesota, USA Post by: koko64 on August 03, 2018, 02:00:57 PM Welcome [beer]