Title: New rider in NY, learning everyday ! Post by: IV_Dan on August 19, 2018, 04:58:20 PM Hey ! My name is Danie,l I’m 36 and I just bought my first motorcycle. It’s a 2009 696 with 10k on the dash. I’ve been studying as much as I can, and took my first safety course a few weeks ago. Full gear finally purchased, now waiting for a dry day to start some parking lot practice.
(https://imgur.com/a/tBaRDqm) She’s in rough shape, some serious weekend mechanic hacking took place. I had to remove a the headlight to untangle everything as well crimp a bare twisted wire to headlight. Found a missing swing arm axle bolt, broken engine cover bold, slight hint of oil on one of the front shocks, and a few more less serious attention areas. While I wait for the swing arm bolt to arrive, I may remove the clip on bars and go back to stock. Looking forward to meeting other NY monster owners from this community ! Title: Re: New rider in NY, learning everyday ! Post by: DarkMonster620 on August 19, 2018, 05:14:37 PM Welcome . . .
Just as an advice, before taking her out, make sure she has all bolts, nuts and NO messes in the wiring Title: Re: New rider in NY, learning everyday ! Post by: IV_Dan on August 19, 2018, 08:00:58 PM Absolutely ! Step one is to actually get my local shop to do an inspection on her along with some recommendations for needed maint. Timing belts are surely in order, so is chain and sprocket. Unknown history and shady workmanship, but the bike starts and runs “just fine” according to the few people that had a chance to test it so far.