Title: paddock stand Post by: juancy on September 30, 2018, 09:21:06 AM Hi guys,
I will be servicing the front forks of my S4RS in the next days and I have concerns about leaving my bike lifted for a week or 2 in the constand paddock stand. I don't know if it going to have a negative effect on the frame of the bike for having the entire weight of the bike in the joint point between the stand and the bike. Have someone left the bike lifted for that long? Thanks in advance for any feedback receive about the topic. Juan Title: Re: paddock stand Post by: stopintime on September 30, 2018, 11:23:30 AM I wouldn't worry about that, but that's just based on my guess/frame experience.
If it makes you feel better you could partially lower it onto the floor/some boxes, combined with a rear stand... |