Title: New rider 2001 Monster 600 (needs some work) Post by: tjstrain on October 23, 2018, 07:26:51 PM been riding a 2001 monster 600 that I bought off a friend back in August.
overall new to riding but i've ridden on and off for a few years based out of the Bay Area, Northern California. Bike is a salvage title and is running well over all but definitely needs some TLC. Few things I'd love to figure out asap. speedometer seems to be off by about 5-8MPH Low fuel light is always on Title: Re: New rider 2001 Monster 600 (needs some work) Post by: koko64 on November 05, 2018, 12:38:05 PM Welcome [beer]
Post some questions in the tech section for advice. Also do a search there. Those are common issues. Cheers |