Title: Owner feedback for Monster 796 Post by: emlupi on November 04, 2018, 11:02:19 AM Good afternoon,
I am contemplating buying a 2012 Monster 796 ABS. I would be very interested in hearing the experiences of others who own or have owned this model. I am most interested in getting feedback on : Reliability Maintenance needs (I hear many rumors regarding valve maintenance and cam drive belts) And, of course, overall ride quality and satisfaction. I have always liked the looks and aura of the Ducati Monster. I want to get the real world, honest opinions from owners as opposed to magazine test riders. Thanks for your input. Title: Re: Owner feedback Post by: stopintime on November 04, 2018, 11:37:26 AM My S2R800 engine is more or less the same. When I had it tuned at 50,000 km there was NO measurable wear anywhere - except one tiny play at the countershaft bearing - well within specs. I had NOT been particularly kind to that engine, so I have very REAL life reason to tell you it's bomb proof.
I recently replaced the wiring harness, as a precaution, at 154,000 km. One or two issues the last two years. Title: Re: Owner feedback Post by: emlupi on November 04, 2018, 01:37:36 PM Thanks for the input, good to know.
I have also heard rumblings about the gearbox being a little clunky and hard times finding neutral. Please keep the opinions coming. Much appreciated. Title: Re: Owner feedback for Monster 796 Post by: stopintime on November 04, 2018, 01:48:17 PM Sturdy gear box IS clunky. Well adjusted clutch lever helps. You'll soon get used to what it takes to find neutral and after that it's not difficult.
Title: Re: Owner feedback for Monster 796 Post by: S21FOLGORE on November 06, 2018, 01:37:41 AM Also, you have to keep in mind that, people complain even when it is their own fault.
Hard to find neutral? Most of the time, it is because ... The rider has never adjusted the shift pedal height. Or, it is NOT set at the proper height. Or, if aftermarket rearset is installed, some people set the shift arm at really stupid angle and complain about shift touch / feel, hard to find neutral, etc. WRONG example (https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1932/45021499744_66446cfa84_b.jpg) Right example (Shift arm - linkage rod 90°, linkage rod - arm on shift pedal 90°) (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/JM2tEEYrh4wtnmvAcmEi6WF0yGM0dm_bdcGairBtHSeZbf6OXxp0NEPUNnbAa9USklYt5_a22vneQbvGkJRsPwlmUNvaFKMKJgz_g9CqosAgwrSeaYzqSQRNOmIvgztN08TBzB0dUw=w2400) The rider is just too rough, has zero mechanical sympathy / understanding, just kicking the shift pedal and expect the transmission to find the neutral by itself. Majority of these bike's owners have A LOT LESS experience, in both riding and wrenching on, than you do. If you can keep 72 Four on the road and can ride that thing in today's traffic situation, I don't think you will have a problem. Title: Re: Owner feedback for Monster 796 Post by: Ums on December 21, 2018, 05:13:29 PM I got one of the very first Monster 796 models. It has been amazing and other than some regular maintence no problems at all. I’m hitting 26k miles on it and it is still running strong. I’d say if the bike was maintained, go for it.
I have kept a blog about, which basically covers all the work I have had done on it - check it out if interested in details. http://ducatimonster796.blogspot.com/?m=1 |