Title: Hello! Post by: eqTwtbSUF7eh on February 18, 2019, 12:58:33 PM Name - eqTwtbSUF7eh (doesn't mean anything. I use random characters for login names and passwords...and security)
Location - Ocala Florida Bike(s) (if any) - 2016 Ducati 1200 S, 2011 Harley Davidson 48, 1995 Harley Davidson 1200. Sold the 1200 and upgraded from the 48. How long you've been riding - Hmm... got my hog about...20 years ago? 20 years. Anything else you'd like to share - No. thanks. Beer n' doughnuts! [drink] Title: Re: Hello! Post by: koko64 on February 18, 2019, 03:57:02 PM Welcome [beer]