Title: Bars for a 96 m900 Post by: Horicus on March 30, 2019, 01:11:22 PM I looking for a more comfortable bar setup for my bike, I'm guessing the ones on my 900 are not factory. Any recommendations? or does anyone has a picture of factory bars for a 96 m900?
(https://i.ibb.co/BT4T2w5/bars.jpg) Thanks I guess I found who makes this bar set, https://www.suburban-machinery.com/duchypmoto.html I'm looking for a more upright riding position any ideas? Title: Re: Bars for a 96 m900 Post by: koko64 on March 30, 2019, 08:11:49 PM Sponsor Monsterparts has bars that are closer to stock that are much more comfortable and from a number of mfr's. Check out the bars by Accossato, Rizoma, Bikemaster.
Title: Re: Bars for a 96 m900 Post by: greenmonster on March 31, 2019, 07:51:47 AM Yes, not stock bar, Suburbans.
Try a original set first, chaeap and easy first test. Title: Re: Bars for a 96 m900 Post by: S21FOLGORE on March 31, 2019, 10:15:33 AM To OP,
looking at the photo, it seems to me the problem is that the handle bar is installed at the wrong angle. See the quick sketch below. (click on the image for larger view.) (https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7878/40542506873_0180ebfc79_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/24LAWPc) Yes, the picture is overly exaggerated for demonstration purpose. But, your handle bar is installed like the lower picture. X is droop angle, Y is sweep back angle of the hand grips. The more droop angle & the less sweep back angle you have at the hand grip, the more cramped you feel. That’s exactly what you have. I highlighted with blue & red pencil, at the wrist and neck - spine area. To show you how your writs and neck is bent at unnatural and uncomfortable angle with the kind of set up you have now. Some people are just for the looks. Some people don’t know anatomy of the human body. Some think “lower bare end = sportier = cool”. I suggest, try to rotate the bar you have now to the “right” position first. It is quick and easy, doesn’t cost anything. If you find it tad bit too low, but like the wrist angle, you can simply add the riser. ( I know some people did this. Suburban machinery bars have pretty good sweep back angle. Remember, if you pull back your grip end too much, it will hit the fuel tank at full lock position.) Title: Re: Bars for a 96 m900 Post by: koko64 on March 31, 2019, 10:41:39 AM True. Pivoting the bars can change the ride pis-n substantially . I have pivoted back my oem bars (made by Accossato ) to load up the front end for sportier riding whereas I previously had them pivoted up for a more touring posn. If that doesn't work then I think stock bars are a great all round option. Again, it's such a personal thing.
Title: Re: Bars for a 96 m900 Post by: Horicus on March 31, 2019, 10:57:39 AM Thanks for the help, I'm going to try setting them is high as possible and ride on that for a week or 2 and go from there.
Title: Re: Bars for a 96 m900 Post by: JonS2R on April 17, 2019, 10:37:07 AM It looks like you have a 7/8" bar clamp so you have plenty of options depending on how far your cables will reach. I recently put Renthal medium Road bars on my S2R and like them so far.