Title: Moto 2 Triumph engine no news! Post by: scaudill on May 01, 2019, 12:33:38 PM I haven't heard anything about the Moto 2 engine. Is it good or bad?
Sterling Title: Re: Moto 2 Triumph engine no news! Post by: kopfjÀger on May 01, 2019, 02:32:35 PM https://www.cycleworld.com/motogp-racers-praise-new-triumph-moto2-engine-and-magneti-marelli-electronics
https://imotorbike.my/news/en/2019/04/triumph-seeks-300-km-h-moto2/ Title: Re: Moto 2 Triumph engine no news! Post by: MadDuck on May 01, 2019, 10:33:13 PM I watched the Moto2 race at COTA. They certainly sound the bizness.