Title: Monster S2R 800 BMC+exhaust mapping Post by: mimoracingteam on May 04, 2019, 07:05:17 AM Hi I just install BMC air filter and a complete racing termignoni exhaust... And now I have a question... Can I just drive my bike normally without power commander and a remap? When I have a test ride I hear when a bike was still cold a little backfire in the airbox... But when is on the running temperature everything is OK...
Title: Re: Monster S2R 800 BMC+exhaust mapping Post by: Howie on May 04, 2019, 09:12:27 AM No need for a PC, remap is a good idea.
Title: Re: Monster S2R 800 BMC+exhaust mapping Post by: stopintime on May 04, 2019, 09:39:39 AM The S2R800 runs very lean (=hot) stock. This becomes quite a bit worse with your mods. +1 for a remap. Or a PCIII if you want.