Elias was a long time member of both boards. He seemed to be a great guy, and was loved by the Northwestern folks, and his young family. He was taken by health issues way too young.
Yes, Elias was a great friend and a great guy. He also was an instructor for Team Oregon, the local version of MSF, and helped many get a start in riding. [Dolph]
Once while he was wearing a heart monitor, he was also out riding on a track day, he had a low side in on one corner, he was fine. Later he said that his cardiologist asked him why his heart rate spiked on the monitor at that time, he replied that he lost the front end going around turn 8. The caridiologist was not amused, but that didn't stop Elias from doing what he loved. [thumbsup]
I remember Elias. Damn that takes me back...
RIP amigo.