Title: M 796 clutch issue Post by: Hvitr on August 04, 2019, 03:59:58 PM hey guys, so my issue is when i fully open the throttle at about 6k rpm i feel a big slipping of the clutch. if i go gently with the throttle there wont be any slipping. from what ive read here aptc clutch can act like this to a certain point but from my limited experience in motorcycle in general im pretty sure thats not a normal slip, to a point if i hold the throttle it feel like a cvt. i have cleaned the slave cylinder, adjusted the clutch lever, im not sure about the engine oil in there but was recently changed to idk what kind of oil. I need to call the shop tomorrow and ask what kind of oil they put in it, my next step is to switch oil. should i remove clutch plate and clean them with sand paper before filling with new oil, is there anything else i should be doing before droping it at the shop
the bike is a 014 50k km not sure what maintenance has been done before... seller said everything was in great condition, not sure i trust him tho thanks for the help Title: Re: M 796 clutch issue Post by: caperix on August 04, 2019, 05:09:12 PM The aptc clutch is very sensitive to what kind of oil is run in it. Mine only liked mobile 1 4t oil. Though you are close to the milage mine had on it when it would slip no mater what oil. The plates looked good when I removed them so it may be a stack height issue as parts wear. I installed a standard clutch assembly and have not had issues sense.
Title: Re: M 796 clutch issue Post by: Speeddog on August 04, 2019, 10:21:20 PM Oil can be a problem, it is worth checking.
The springs can be shimmed a bit to combat slipping. Title: Re: M 796 clutch issue Post by: stopintime on August 05, 2019, 12:17:47 AM My first two clutches lasted 25,000 km each. Switched to semi synthetic (15/50 or 20/50) and the next three clutches lasted 40,000 km each.
It slips at max torque first, so yours is probably done. Title: Re: M 796 clutch issue Post by: Hvitr on August 05, 2019, 01:36:28 PM thanks guys called the shop for a new clutch kit