Title: Another (2v) Valve Shimming Thread Post by: dusty on August 09, 2019, 03:45:48 PM Hey guys,
I did my own valves about 1,600 miles ago - it shot my nerves through, but it seemed to go well. I've not had any issues and the cam lobes and rocker arms haven't started chipping, but I figured I'd check the clearances 'for poops and giggles'/nervous paranoia. They still seem fine, but I wanted to ask: Do you remove the rocker arm spacing clip before checking clearances? With it off, they're spot on (so far, lol). And, just to clarify: .004/.005" intake/exhaust on the openers, <.002" on the closers right? With a preference to as near to zero on the closers as is reasonable, since the closing clearance tends to get looser over time? Title: Re: Another (2v) Valve Shimming Thread Post by: Speeddog on August 09, 2019, 05:30:19 PM Yes, I check with the clips off.
Yes on those clearances too. Title: Re: Another (2v) Valve Shimming Thread Post by: dusty on August 19, 2019, 02:44:07 PM The rocker springs are there to help close the valve for idling, right? Should I be able to feel them when turning the cam with the openers off to the side? I get just the tiniest bit of resistant on the horizontal cylinder when turning the cam (just before when the intake valve would be opening) to check for binding, but I can spin the closer shims with a single finger and the rocker tool.
Title: Re: Another (2v) Valve Shimming Thread Post by: Speeddog on August 19, 2019, 03:13:36 PM Closer springs are for starting and idling, primarily.
Which rocker tool are you using? Title: Re: Another (2v) Valve Shimming Thread Post by: dusty on August 19, 2019, 03:58:08 PM I use EMS' rocker holder tool for checking clearances as well as installing the half-rings. Turns out it was a dumb question and I just wanted an easy answer :P closer shim was a hair too tight.
Title: Re: Another (2v) Valve Shimming Thread Post by: Speeddog on August 19, 2019, 05:07:59 PM Not a dumb question.
Good you got it sorted. |