Title: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Post by: Son of a Sith on August 17, 2019, 01:14:07 PM I was installing new rearsets, and the rear brake pressure sensor broke. I am thinking this is only for the brake light (I do not have ABS) is this correct? and I was planning on riding the bike until a new one came in, but I wanted to ask and make sure I was in the right mindset. The bike is safe and I will loose no performance other than a brake light when braking with my rear brake (which doesn't bother me, when I stop in traffic I use the front).
Thanks for your input! Ride safe! Title: Re: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Post by: ducpainter on August 17, 2019, 01:19:30 PM Do you mean the brake light switch?
A photo of the item you're referencing would help. Title: Re: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Post by: Son of a Sith on August 17, 2019, 01:30:14 PM https://issuu.com/ducatiomaha/docs/mo_1100_s_usa_2009_ed00_r002?e=1222863/10926313
part number 13 on page 68-69 Title: Re: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Post by: ducpainter on August 17, 2019, 02:11:08 PM OK...it appears Ducati has gone to a hydraulic pressure switch, as opposed to a mechanical unit.
You should be fine. Title: Re: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Post by: stopintime on August 17, 2019, 02:23:21 PM It's mechanical and it only affects the brake light.
You can ride without [thumbsup] Title: Re: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Post by: Son of a Sith on August 17, 2019, 02:49:57 PM Thanks! I was thinking so, but this is the first time I've torn into it and wanted to be sure. Never can be too careful.
Thanks again! Title: Re: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Post by: ducpainter on August 17, 2019, 03:05:00 PM It's mechanical and it only affects the brake light. Leave it to the Italians to butcher language. :PYou can ride without [thumbsup] Title: Re: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Post by: Speeddog on August 17, 2019, 03:23:40 PM It's a very crude pressure sensor. ;D