Title: "Single Layer EDC belt" by Recycled Firefighter Post by: S21FOLGORE on October 17, 2019, 01:05:34 AM https://youtu.be/lH6pTn09UaQ
Recycled Firefighter "Single layer EDC belt". it isn't easy to find the belt that actually works for my waist size. (27-inch). This one does. (And, according to Jake, it's supposed to work up to 44 inches.) Way, way more comfortable than most of the belt I have had in the past. (For example, Vertex Raptor is probably about the same in terms of rigidity, but Recycled Firefighter belt is a lot more comfortable. Also, it is thinner. NO velcro (which will eventually eat up your pants' belt loop) Very reasonably priced at $29. and, made in USA. Title: Re: "Single Layer EDC belt" by Recycled Firefighter Post by: S21FOLGORE on October 17, 2019, 08:25:46 PM I should have done this while shooting the first video.
Belt stiffness comparison https://youtu.be/TfooE5z8OtI Recycled Firefighter belt is the most comfortable, and 2nd most supportive belt of the bunch. Title: Re: "Single Layer EDC belt" by Recycled Firefighter Post by: Mother on October 24, 2019, 06:44:02 PM I like that