Title: Loud horns save lives PIAA 85112 500Hz + 600Hz sport horn, Wolo Bad Boy Post by: S21FOLGORE on November 03, 2019, 01:56:45 PM PIAA 85112 500Hz + 600Hz sport horn, AND Wolo Bad Boy
on NA6 Miata (which is just as invisible to other road users as motorcycles) https://youtu.be/bYOZki9CuiU Same PIAA horns on S4R which has a pair of big, umber colored conspicuity lights. (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/n6UsUGxTkPnFYF8YDT1oPg0gP1iQnEBE4qBA_bTJAsT-CqV0oXKV97l-HixKrUayoWzM3k6NJa3ExT1aQYw_Nx2949x_XR-OIqbK-l0cbelSwAUQdGtB3kbwcrDh5qva5324Hc565g=w2400) Still, loud horns are "must-have"... https://youtu.be/PYBRizJAkhk All of them running on custom heavy duty wiring and relay. Title: Re: Loud horns save lives PIAA 85112 500Hz + 600Hz sport horn, Wolo Bad Boy Post by: Heath on November 06, 2019, 11:50:18 AM I love my Denali Soundbomb. A loud horn is a must.
Title: Re: Loud horns save lives PIAA 85112 500Hz + 600Hz sport horn, Wolo Bad Boy Post by: S21FOLGORE on November 07, 2019, 11:12:29 AM Speaking of loud horns, Stebel-USA is going out of business.
https://www.stebel-usa.com//product/59/Going_out_of_business_sale/ Title: Re: Loud horns save lives PIAA 85112 500Hz + 600Hz sport horn, Wolo Bad Boy Post by: wataboy on November 18, 2019, 09:14:32 AM PIAA 85112 500Hz + 600Hz sport horn, AND Wolo Bad Boy on NA6 Miata (which is just as invisible to other road users as motorcycles) Yup, I just put a set of PIAA 85115 Deep Bass on my NB2 miata for this very reason. Sounds like a 70's 'Murican auto now. ;D |