Title: Chicago greetings - carby 750, first motorcycle! Post by: l88m22vette on December 02, 2019, 06:16:11 PM I finally went for it and bought my first bike, I'd wanted a Monster for years and decided it was time for me to try riding. I got a great deal and trailered it home from a few hours away this past September, I've bought some parts for it and plan winter maintenance at some point. I can't wait for spring and getting my MSF coursework done, its been brutal having it in the garage and not being able to ride it yet! I'm trying to pick up new tires with holiday deals and will get a parts list together, we'll see how far down the rabbithole I go!
[thumbsup] Title: Re: Chicago greetings - carby 750, first motorcycle! Post by: Duck-Stew on December 02, 2019, 08:18:44 PM Congrats! If you plan on a long hiatus prior to riding, drain the carb float bowls and save huge headaches!
Welcome! Title: Re: Chicago greetings - carby 750, first motorcycle! Post by: koko64 on December 03, 2019, 01:24:08 AM Welcome [beer]