Title: Ducati Battery Tender Post by: koko64 on December 17, 2019, 07:38:33 PM I've now seen three later model bikes (2010-2013) with aftermarket battery tender style pigtails directly off the battery. Possibly unknown to the owners each bike also had an oem plug under the seat that takes the Ducati oem charger. The charger switches to maintenance mode once fully charged and its use is stipulated in the manual.
People doing this for cost reasons? Prices are comparable here. Anyone know when Ducati started to supply their own oem charger and charger plug in the loom? Title: Re: Ducati Battery Tender Post by: Charlie98 on December 17, 2019, 08:56:05 PM I've got a '13 with an aftermarket pigtail... I think. Where, exactly, is the OEM one?
Title: Re: Ducati Battery Tender Post by: koko64 on December 18, 2019, 12:43:23 AM Under the seat. Your owners manual identifies it from the other plugs there. It's the diag plug iirc. The oem charger only fits the correct plug.
Edit: note also that this facility only applies to certain models. My bikes manual is clear as to which port and which model charger is appropriate. I would be hesitant to use an aftermarket charger with some port adapter cables on the market. The manual is clear too about the part numbers for chargers for different markets. Read the manual carefully, so nothing gets fried . Title: Re: Ducati Battery Tender Post by: Charlie98 on December 18, 2019, 06:13:29 AM By golly, you're right!
Since I bought mine used, I can only assume the dealer installed it as a lower cost alternative to the Ducati accessorial charger, or he already had a Batter Tender (or other brand) charger at home already (more likely now that I think of it.) Personally, I have the aftermarket pigtail right there under the tank... I don't have to pull the seat off to access the port. I've also wondered if you can power rider accessories off it while riding (think phone charger or heated gear.) Title: Re: Ducati Battery Tender Post by: Stuka Pilot on December 31, 2019, 10:50:39 AM Plug in the loom was post '07, but pre '10.
Title: Re: Ducati Battery Tender Post by: koko64 on December 31, 2019, 11:18:06 AM Plug in the loom was post '07, but pre '10. My M1100Evo has one under the seat for charging, 2013. Do you mean a plug for powering accessories? |