Title: Duc scrambler wone the first Baja 500!? Post by: DuciD03 on February 25, 2020, 09:11:01 PM Dam didn't know the scrambler won the first Baja 500! this from Ray Dudding; His Baja Duc made the front cover of Classic Bike Guide. … rebuild was inspired by the Baja bikes, as I explain in the article, I know very little about the bike's history - if anyone knows anything of the bike's past I would love to hear from you. It looks like my corrections got to the editor too late. So before anyone else mentions it, I know it was a scrambler not an R/T which won the first Baja 500, and the pic about next month's article is under a Scrambler not an R/T. Title: Re: Duc scrambler wone the first Baja 500!? Post by: koko64 on March 23, 2020, 08:50:08 AM The link doesn't work.
Would like to see this. Title: Re: Duc scrambler wone the first Baja 500!? Post by: DuciD03 on March 24, 2020, 08:43:51 PM YA that Classic Bike Guide is a slow annoying digital website; somethings not quite right there … here's what I found but it takes time to load, maybe because its from England, (or covid19 is slowing things down with so much social distancing; increasing digital socializing, overloading the digital pipeline?) . it was on the front cover of March 2020; a rebuilt Ducati Scrambler 350 single 4 stroke tribute to winning the first Baja 500 in 1969.
https://www.classicbikeguide.com/inside-classic-bike-guides-march-issue/ from another source; Doug McClure winning the Baja 500 on his 350 Ducati Scrambler; [thumbsup] -cool!- Title: Re: Duc scrambler wone the first Baja 500!? Post by: koko64 on March 25, 2020, 12:28:57 AM Thanks. Cheers.