Title: Differences Between Ohlins Redesigned R&T Forks? Post by: Wzed on March 16, 2020, 09:12:04 PM Ohlins discontinued the version of their R&T forks for pre-'08 Monsters some years ago. Does anyone know if their newer versions will work with the older bikes? The nomenclature they use for the various versions is numerical ("210," "213," "231," etc.), and I'm curious if those numbers refer to a metric that corresponds to that model (travel, overall length, etc.). I emailed Ohlins USA, but they never replied. Does anyone have any experience with this new design?
Title: Re: Differences Between Ohlins Redesigned R&T Forks? Post by: greenohawk69 on March 17, 2020, 04:24:24 AM If they have a phone number, call them.