Title: Hello from an old/new DMFer Post by: J3 on August 07, 2020, 06:38:19 PM Hi to all the new folks and to some of the folks I remember from more than a decade ago.
My name is Joe and I ride a 2007 S2R1000...again! I bought a silver/black '07 S2R1k new in late '06, kept it until the tank started deforming and I sold her in 2009. Fast forward through 2 baccalaureate degrees, a Ph.D, marriage, our first house, and a handful of unfulfilling years teaching biological sciences and there is finally an '07 S2R1k back in my garage (red/white this time). I changed careers late last year and began as a motorcycle tech at an Indian, BMW, and Ducati dealership and have since moved up to become the parts manager at the beginning of July*. The new bike's tank is in fantastic shape thanks to the availability of non-ethanol gas in these parts. Just under 8k miles with a valve check and new belts last year. The only mods are a full termi system without O2 sensors (no MIL, race reflash?), bar end mirrors, and bar risers (which my now aging back is grateful for). Since I bought it, I broke my right ring finger and the plates haven't arrived yet (thanks COVID) so I'll be waiting a bit longer to get back in the saddle. :( It's a little sad to see that forum activity has died down from the olden days (OG 2008 here), but I'm glad the forum is still alive [bacon] I have a few questions about brands I don't recognize, but I'll ask those in the appropriate forum. I'm surprised that nearly every DP part for my bike is discontinued/no longer available from Ducati. *I don't want to run afoul the advertising rules, so I won't mention the dealership name. Please don't PM/email looking for discounts, with COVID going around margins are slim enough already. Title: Re: Hello from an old/new DMFer Post by: koko64 on August 07, 2020, 11:32:39 PM Welcome back [beer]
Title: Re: Hello from an old/new DMFer Post by: Duck-Stew on August 09, 2020, 06:58:37 PM Hello... Again. Life is a strange trip sometimes. Be well, ride safe.