Title: Triple Aught Design Ranger LT Hoodie 2020 (vs. old one) Still the best performer Post by: S21FOLGORE on November 27, 2020, 12:09:07 AM Triple Aught Design Ranger LT Hoodie 2020 (vs. old one) Still the best performer after over a decade https://youtu.be/LiJMogRroCs Perhaps, the most functional fall / winter cloth I own. I bought the 2nd one this winter. 2020 version has "slightly" different texture (not that TAD gear changed , Polartec changed that), new design zipper pulls (since 2019, I think). Pretty much everything is still the same, including the nice, tight cut. (Most brands went to too baggy / loose fit.) (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50651717586_729f488596_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kaVhXC)Ranger LT YT thumb copy (https://flic.kr/p/2kaVhXC) Of all the “wind proof” , “wind resistant” type of fleece, Polartec’s Wind Pro works best (for me). I have tried Aerostich’s TL tec windblocker fleece also. And I like WInd Pro better. Unlike “wind blocker fleece”, Wind Pro has no membrane, it is essentially really tightly woven fleece (that makes it “4 times more wind resistant than regular fleece”.) I found that Wind Pro is more comfortable (softer feeling on the skin / on the body), easier to regulate the temp (which means it works in many more different situations / activities.) DWR works really well. In urban environment, you don't need hard shell. You are always moving, and you only travel short distance. "Pass through Hunter's pocket" ( on the back), 2-way from zipper are, something you don't see that often, and may think you wouldn't really need them, UNTIL you start using them regularly. (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50651717251_c517cf27c6_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kaVhRR)Renger LT muzzle flash (https://flic.kr/p/2kaVhRR) And the hood, ... I don't buy hoodie UNLESS it has functional hood. I don't wear those traditional hoodie with draw string, the hood that's nothing more than just a decoration. Ranger LT's hood actually keeps your head warm & dry. (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50651741166_af1ed7bf28_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kaVpYb)Ranger LT hoodie 1 (https://flic.kr/p/2kaVpYb) Overall, the only real downside is the price, and availability. (But, before complaining about the price, think about the fact that they are made in USA, INCLUDING the material itself. Also, “the warmth” base / mid layer provides has a lot to do with the fitment. Loose, baggy fit will never bring you the kind of warmth you’d expect from the spec of the material. |