Title: New member w/1998 M750 Post by: myoldcut on January 26, 2021, 10:01:04 AM Hello Ladies/Gents!!
I saved a Ducati Silver M750 from the junk yard in 2012. Slowly, over the last 8yrs, I have returned it to its former glory. New Satin black paint, tires, brakes, fenders, lights, side covers, and such. Bike runs well when warm, but has starting issues that I have yet to solve. Im guessing its probably carb related. Looking forward to meeting and discussing the ins and outs of these "Ferrari's" of the Motorcycle world. Why I didnt join this forum 8yrs ago is a mystery to me. Cheers! Bill Title: Re: New member w/1998 M750 Post by: rule62 on January 26, 2021, 12:42:21 PM Welcome. There's lots of great info on this forum. Spend some time searching older posts, and you'll find great info and solutions to most every scenario.
Title: Re: New member w/1998 M750 Post by: koko64 on January 26, 2021, 03:10:34 PM Welcome [beer]
It's great you saved the bike. I have a 750, love it. Post your starting issue in the Tech section. [thumbsup] |