Title: Looking For New, Brighter Turn Signals Post by: diamonddog-2 on August 27, 2021, 08:40:50 AM My 2001 M900 came with some neat looking aftermarket turn signals. After riding with my neighbor a couple of times, he has commented on how difficult they are to see. Great. Just great.
I'm thinking of trying something different. In keeping with some of the C.F. that has magically been accumulating on the bike, I've been looking for a carbon fiber look, bright, LED turn signal that would fit right on without too much fiddling around. The C.F. look isn't needed as much as letting cars know what's going on more clearly. I've looked on eBay and found "the look" but they all seem to have fitment issues. I've been looking around on C.L. and found a set of 2 for sale off of a M900 ...... but need 4 lights. I figured I would just see if somebody here might know of a source. Any suggestions? Thank you. Title: Re: Looking For New, Brighter Turn Signals Post by: stopintime on August 27, 2021, 09:58:39 AM http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=74816.0
+ there are plastic adapters to help transition from stalk to beer tray. MonsterParts sold them, but nowadays you have to search. Title: Re: Looking For New, Brighter Turn Signals Post by: diamonddog-2 on August 27, 2021, 06:29:00 PM Thank you, stopintime. Aesthetics aside, it seemed that the link to the BMW signals were the ones that were acceptably brighter, available and possibly adaptable to my M900? or did the Oberon win? I'm not clear if anyone tried the BMW turn signals on a Ducati.
Title: Re: Looking For New, Brighter Turn Signals Post by: stopintime on August 28, 2021, 02:03:46 AM I've seen Oberon and they are far from acceptable - on the open road. Google BMW and the part number. You need two holes. One for the wires and another for a bolt. Maybe they fit. If not; modify.
Title: Re: Looking For New, Brighter Turn Signals Post by: diamonddog-2 on August 28, 2021, 09:22:08 AM Will do!