Title: Are Immobilizers Requied For Pit Inspection? Post by: MonsterMadMarty on September 02, 2021, 10:54:59 AM As per title…. Are immobilizers requied for pit inspection in Australia?
I’ve picked up a 2005 Multistrada that hasn’t been registered for over two years so will need to go over the pits!! The immobilizers has been bypassed so it starts and rides ok. I understand immobilizers are required of all cars post 1999-ish…. Does that also apply to motorcycles?? Thanks in advance for any advise [bow_down] Title: Re: Are Immobilizers Requied For Pit Inspection? Post by: koko64 on September 02, 2021, 09:38:29 PM I've not been quizzed about immobilizers for RWC so far.