Title: Johann Zarco MotoGP rider rides 950KM on 1981 Darmah SS to Aragon Post by: paso87 on September 09, 2021, 03:37:16 PM This is really cool. Johann Zarco rode a 1981 Darmah SS from France to Aragon, Spain for the next round of the MotoGP season. Looks like he had a great time on the Darmah. The Darmah SS is a little more sporty than the regular Darmah. It has a half fairing and rear sets. So it is definitely more for the jockey sized riders like Zarco and the MotoGP riders. Zarco is currently third in points in the championship and top Ducati rider.
https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/986867/1/johann-zarcos-aragon-adventure-950km-road-trip-1981-ducati |