Title: Great YouTube series - Andy's Motorcycle Obsessions Post by: booger on November 29, 2021, 07:50:18 AM Dunno if any of you like YouTube videos of shop life vis a vis older Ducati restorations & whatnot but Andy's Motorcycle Obsessions series on a 900SS restoration is pretty dang good. Made me realize how I really kinda want a pre-facelift 900SS myself. His bike is really sharp, had some damning issues that he handled like a champ though he is very much a home DIYer. I learned a few things for sure.
Also, check out RRC Restoration's 916 resto, interesting stuff. Title: Re: Great YouTube series - Andy's Motorcycle Obsessions Post by: kopfjÀger on November 29, 2021, 10:29:17 AM https://youtu.be/gU8cbQO1rsU