Ducati Monster Forum

Introductions => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: jagstang on December 09, 2021, 11:50:20 AM

Title: Returning Rider in Wisconsin
Post by: jagstang on December 09, 2021, 11:50:20 AM
Hey everyone, I'm a longtime account holder in Madison, WI who has finally gotten back into riding after a couple of years without a bike. I sold my '04 S4R to help with the down payment on our first home and now, after deciding to take some time off from bicycle racing, I've picked up a used '09 1100.

I've been a rider for 16 years, and met some great friends because of my previous monsters. I'm really excited to be back! I'll probably have an annoying question or two stemming from unfamiliarity with the newer bikes and some of the common mods, but I promise to do a good search first.

As I mentioned, it's a 2009 Monster 1100 with a few mods installed previously:
Arrow aluminum mufflers
14t front sprocket
Rizoma bar risers
A Rexxer tune (the bike didn't come with the Rexxer unit, so I'm a bit confused with how to tweak it in the future)
Ohlins shock (not sure what bike that came from, though; allegedly it used to belong to a mechanic at Ducati Omaha)

I plan on installing a some sort of progressive throttle tube and a GP shifter (to get rid of all the linkage that I've currently flipped). Beyond that, I'm really excited to have something relatively analogue and internal combustion (more exciting than a snowblower) that my daughter and I can work on together over the years as our cars get electrified.
Title: Re: Returning Rider in Wisconsin
Post by: koko64 on December 09, 2021, 12:09:06 PM
Welcome back [beer]
Title: Re: Returning Rider in Wisconsin
Post by: ungeheuer on December 13, 2021, 04:02:49 AM
An 09 M1100 eh?   Wise choice [thumbsup]

Regarding the Rexxer tune.....  without the Rexxer tool you can't tweak it.  And (unlike Powercommader and other piggy-backed devices) you can't really "tweak" even with the Rexxer tool, you can reflash back to the stock map or upload a different Rexxer supplied map.  Other than also being able to read and reset diag codes and the service light/counter, that's it for your Rexxer tool. 

Ohlins shock is the stock item if your M1100 is M1100'S'...

Oh, and next time you're passing the lumber yard say G'Day to Yon Yonson from me  ;D

Cheers and welcome back  [Dolph]

Title: Re: Returning Rider in Wisconsin
Post by: jagstang on December 13, 2021, 09:29:43 AM
Yeah, I wanted the newest air-cooled model I could get with a dry clutch, so mission accomplished. It's definitely not an S model, so someone must've swapped out the shock at some point. The previous owner hadn't noticed.

Regarding the Rexxer, I hope I don't need to make any tweaks in the future. If I do, will tacking on a PCV play nice with whatever Rexxer tune resides in the ECU?
Title: Re: Returning Rider in Wisconsin
Post by: ungeheuer on December 13, 2021, 11:59:01 AM
Quote from: jagstang on December 13, 2021, 09:29:43 AM
Regarding the Rexxer, I hope I don't need to make any tweaks in the future. If I do, will tacking on a PCV play nice with whatever Rexxer tune resides in the ECU?
If your Rexxer map was selected to suit the current config... it's probably pretty good anyway.  Just out of interest, does it still have the stock o2 sensors connected? 

To answer your question, yup PCV and Rexxered ECU will play along together just fine (assuming they've not being instructed to chase each other's tails). My M1100 happily runs Rexxered ECU + PCV.   Some bloke around here posted lots of info on that subject years ago if you care to search the topic.
Title: Re: Returning Rider in Wisconsin
Post by: jagstang on December 14, 2021, 06:43:53 AM
The O2 connectors look to still be connected, though who knows if the Rexxer map is actually using them. Kind of a pain, not having that Rexxer unit.
Title: Re: Returning Rider in Wisconsin
Post by: ungeheuer on December 15, 2021, 03:46:13 AM
You could always try unplugging one of the o2 connectors, run the motor to see if the ECU cracks the sads and flicks up the CEL (and accompanying error code - which you'd be able to read if you had that rexxer tool).  No CEL, then the Rexxer map is fully open loop.  Immediate CEL and closed loop is still active (although why anybody would go to the bother and expense of Rexxer flashing the ECU and without blowing the stock o2 inputs away is beyond me).

IIRC there are a few Rexxer Centers in the US who sold remaps (cheaper than buying the whole tool to do it yourself) ... Redline was one of those but I don't remember what State they're in.  If you're not a  million miles away another option could be to go see them and have all revealed.

Personally, I'd just ride and enjoy  [Dolph]