Title: Great story from Cycle World; Winter months, long drive what's left of a 900SS Post by: paso87 on January 20, 2022, 04:26:03 PM This is a great story from Cycle World. Lovely motorbike!
https://www.cycleworld.com/story/motorcycle-news/ducati-900ss-project-motorcycle/ Title: Re: Great story from Cycle World; Winter months, long drive what's left of a 900SS Post by: koko64 on January 26, 2022, 12:09:20 PM So true [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Great story from Cycle World; Winter months, long drive what's left of a 900SS Post by: KRJ on February 03, 2022, 09:25:51 AM Morning, This was a good read as the Wife and I are recovering from The Covid. It's about 10 degrees out, and sunny. Have been quiet for a while, lot of life events. Got the Multi on the rack last week for new belts and general inspection, other then belts and tires the rear shock has started to leak. Will have to get that sorted before spring, going to try to ride this year if My body will cooperate. Glad to see You have kept this board alive Paso, I will help when possible. Cheers |