Title: It is official Danilo Petucci will be racing in USA Moto America for Ducati Post by: paso87 on February 04, 2022, 02:02:10 PM Ducati officially announced today that Danilo Petrucci will be riding the V4 Panigale in Moto America here in the USA. Danilo has raced MotoGP for Pramac and the Factory Ducati team as well as KTM. He has two Moto GP wins. He just completed the Dakar and won one stage. Hopefully Danilo can get Ducati back on top here in the states. Danilo will be drinking through a fire hose this year as he has almost no experience with state side tracks other than Circuit of the Americas and possibly Laguna Seca.
https://www.ducati.com/us/en/news/ducati-north-america-welcomes-danilo-petrucci-in-motoamerica-superbike-debut-for-warhorse-hsbk-racing-ducati-new-york |