Title: Mooney Racing/VR46 MotoGP racing team (Great Video) Post by: paso87 on February 25, 2022, 12:59:29 PM This is a great video with English subtitles introducing the Mooney/VR46 MotoGP racing team for 2022. Mooney is a big money card/transfer etc company in Europe and of course VR 46 is Valentino Rossi's training academy and now team. They will be racing the Desmosedici GP22 this year and Vallentino's half brother Luca Marini and fellow rider Marco Bezzechi will pilot the bikes. The intro takes place in a Opera/Orchestra bldg. The combined Orchestra and disc music is really great. As they used to say on American Bandstand, the music has a great beat and it is easy to dance to. However it is a little bit long for this old guy to dance the length of the tune. You also get to see some of Valentino Rossi's hometown of Tavulia. I have been there. Enjoy. Great stuff!
https://www.motogp.com/en/videos/2022/02/24/mooney-vr46-racing-team-official-2022-presentation/407573 |