Title: TAMPOPO (タンポポ, Tanpopo, "dandelion") 1985 Japanese comedy film on Youtube Post by: S21FOLGORE on March 02, 2022, 02:07:41 AM https://youtu.be/csyMHLaWuSA
TAMPOPO (タンポポ, Tanpopo, "dandelion") 1985 Japanese comedy film Title: Re: TAMPOPO (タンポポ, Tanpopo, "dandelion") 1985 Japanese comedy film on Youtube Post by: Duck-EZ on March 18, 2022, 09:39:36 AM I remember seeing that movie on A&E when they actually were arts & entertainment. I only remember a scene regarding broth. There is a local Ramen place by that name. I always wondered if they took inspiration from the movie.
Title: Re: TAMPOPO (タンポポ, Tanpopo, "dandelion") 1985 Japanese comedy film on Youtube Post by: triangleforge on March 18, 2022, 01:46:25 PM One of my all-time favorites. Thanks for sharing that!
Title: Re: TAMPOPO (タンポポ, Tanpopo, "dandelion") 1985 Japanese comedy film on Youtube Post by: S21FOLGORE on March 22, 2022, 02:27:15 PM You're welcome !
(I hadn't seen this film for long, long time. So, there were small details that I was completely forgetting. I enjoyed re-watching this movie.) |