Title: Ohlins Spring for M900 (1995), 300-310 Pound Rider Post by: koko64 on April 28, 2022, 05:26:21 AM Have a 300-310lb customer and sorting the suspension on his 1995 M900.
Looking at the Ohlins chart, I see that a 54 spring is 14nm or 14.3ish kg/mm (or an 800 pounder). Another Ohlins chart recommends a 12 or 13kg spring for 275lb riders which would be in the 700-750 lb range, so I guess I'm in the ballpark with the no 54, 800 lb spring. Can anyone confirm this ? Ill try a spring on the shock, but will give the forks to my suspension bloke. Title: Re: Ohlins Spring for M900 (1995), 300-310 Pound Rider Post by: stopintime on April 28, 2022, 06:07:29 AM He recently put on a 130Nm spring and says it's perfect. It requires a 'strong' return damping circuit, so keep that in mind. [Dolph] Title: Re: Ohlins Spring for M900 (1995), 300-310 Pound Rider Post by: ducpainter on April 28, 2022, 06:21:01 AM Linkage ratios are different on the M900 (early bikes), and the S*R bikes.
The early bikes use less spring due to the differences. Title: Re: Ohlins Spring for M900 (1995), 300-310 Pound Rider Post by: koko64 on April 28, 2022, 01:20:46 PM I have a real appreciation of the bell crank linkage of the Monster/851/888. I notice how supple my M750 is on crap roads compared to the hard angle cantilever on my Evo.
The 800lb Ohlins spring is from a Honda sports bike that has a very strong leverage to its shock linkage which backs up a comment Speeddog made years ago. The spring was too light for a 220 pound rider on that CBR as Honda use very heavy springs for their linkage set ups. Title: Re: Ohlins Spring for M900 (1995), 300-310 Pound Rider Post by: ungeheuer on April 29, 2022, 09:51:16 AM ...what are these.... pounds .... of which you speak??
Title: Re: Ohlins Spring for M900 (1995), 300-310 Pound Rider Post by: koko64 on April 29, 2022, 09:19:57 PM ...what are these.... pounds .... of which you speak?? Those Eibach springs.. Good thing I'm old enough to know both metric and imperial. |