Title: Introducing myself and saying hello to all!!! Post by: SSDirtyDuc on May 12, 2022, 07:26:51 PM My name is Sam, I have the most beautiful, caring and patient wife in the world with whom I have shared the past 25 years with and have 2 sons. I was a motorcycle safety instructor for 12 years and I love to build and customize various motorcycles. I have always wanted to get a Ducati but never got around to it until recently. My cousin and best friend had purchased a 2007 Monster S2R-1000. Unfortunately, he lost his life due to the COVID-19 (Delta Variant) at 53 years old and I acquired his Ducati. Not exactly the way that I wanted to get one but I helped him on it with different things and I am now going to carry out the ideas and unrealistic modifications that he had planned for it… hope everyone is well and continue wind therapy as much as possible!!!
Title: Re: Introducing myself and saying hello to all!!! Post by: stopintime on May 12, 2022, 11:03:15 PM Welcome Sam [thumbsup]
I hope you'll share the bike work (and more stories) with us. Make a thread about you/it? Title: Re: Introducing myself and saying hello to all!!! Post by: koko64 on May 13, 2022, 01:39:17 AM Welcome [beer]
Our condolences. A great community here. Title: Re: Introducing myself and saying hello to all!!! Post by: ungeheuer on May 13, 2022, 11:43:40 AM Welcome :)
Title: Re: Introducing myself and saying hello to all!!! Post by: LMT on May 16, 2022, 04:04:18 AM Welcome