Title: Heads up display Fighter Pilot technology for Motorcyclists Post by: paso87 on January 20, 2023, 07:56:50 AM If you were not aware there have been a few tech companies working on Heads up Displays for motorcyclists. Heads up Displays provide information to a rider basically on your visor. That eliminates having to stare down at the speedo/GPS etc. They are working on it also providing GPS directions. But I have not seen a tech company actually put one out. This company looks like it is getting there. I do like the directions feature and I really like the turn feature that lets you know what the turn is like i.e. sharp or gradual or what direction it goes. Obviously Fighter Pilots are already enjoying this technology but we aren't flying F-15s or F-35s.
https://www.motorcyclenews.com/news/new-tech/aegis-rider-ag/ |